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High School Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate from CLASS and receive a high school diploma, a student must successfully complete a minimum of twenty (20) credits in the following areas of study:

Students transferring into CLASS at the tenth grade or higher may be eligible to waive some Theological Studies and/or Heritage Studies credits (all other areas of study must be fulfilled in their entirety). For example, a tenth grader who has never had a Theological course would not be required to make up the ninth grade credit, but would still need to take the three remaining credits.

Distribution of Required Academic Areas and Subjects

The following table shows the distribution of required academic areas and subjects for a ninth grade student who completes our high school program. This illustration may be modified for students entering CLASS after the ninth grade.


Students must carry at least 4.0 credits in each grade level to be considered a student in good standing, but may carry up to 7.5 credits per grade level. You may choose which courses are used to fulfill each area of study. Or, if you wish, you may let CLASS select some or all of them for you.

    * Shown here for illustration purposes only. These may be taken at any high school grade level.


Although you can easily construct your curriculum so as not to incur any cost above the basic tuition price, some available course choices do carry additional fees. All additional course fees are listed with the course’s description.

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