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Centered on the Word - Written and Incarnate

A Christian education must be centered upon both the written and the incarnate Word of God. Such an education will be successful in moving your student into a deeper relationship with Christ, a fuller knowledge of our Father’s world, and a deeper desire to obey God and do his will. In addition, such an education will “cast out all fear” when it comes to interacting with new ideas regardless of their source. Christian educator Frank Gabelein is famous for his assertion that “all truth is God’s truth,” and a well-educated Christian will be trained in discerning truth from error.

Furthermore, since Christianity is a knowledge-based faith, a Christian education must be essentially knowledge-based. Christian curricula that focus primarily on moral training lack balance when it comes to assisting a student to develop a broad-based Christian worldview. It is the nature of Christian learning to understand that God speaks in every field of human endeavor and to discover what he has to say. As the Apostle Peter teaches, we must supplement our faith with both virtue and knowledge (2 Pet 1:5), and we must always maintain this balance.

Finally, a well-educated Christian will be positioned to grow in wisdom. Wisdom is that settled disposition which enables one to negotiate life according to eternal principles, not according to personal passions or circumstances. When critical decisions present themselves, one who has invested in acquiring a Christian worldview will possess the tools necessary to respond with truth and grace appropriate to each situation.

CLASS provides you and your student with a time-tested vehicle to accomplish these goals of Christian education. For more than forty years, the CLASS program has been dedicated to the task of providing a means by which homeschooling parents may guide their students in developing and applying a Christian worldview to every aspect of learning and life. In that time, we have never wavered in our mission to provide materials and services that enable your student to "destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). Our years of experience and success are at your disposal, and we are at your service. This is the CLASS advantage.

Arnie Gentile, M. A.

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